About Us

The Allerton Players have been putting on plays in and around Northallerton since 1942, when they were the Allertonshire Players, part of the Evening Institute. The Players were formed following a production of 'Candida' by George Bernard Shaw in November of 1942.

1948 Production: Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme

1948 Production: Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme


A general meeting of everyone who had taken part was called with the intention of setting up a 'society to study drama and produce plays'. They met at the Allertonshire School in Northallerton (hence the original name of the society) and the Players were born.

Over the years we have put on over 140 full length productions, numerous festival entries, patrons' evenings and fund raisers, social events and workshops.

2019 Production: The Game’s Afoot

2019 Production: The Game’s Afoot

We are always looking for new members and there are lots of different ways to get involved; no previous experience is required. The emphasis is on fun, although we also do our best to make our productions the best they can be.

Why not Contact Us and get involved?